Call Item #1

Resolution 1 – Lincoln Ozaukee.

Proposal: The Transactions of Wisconsin DeMolay shall be the official minutes of this Congress.

Bylaw: N/A

Call Item #2

Amendment 1 – Lincoln/Ozaukee

Proposal: Eliminate Art. 5, Sec. 4

Bylaw: Article V, Section 4, states:

“As part of the Annual Convention event, an award shall be presented to an advisor selected by the members of the Chapters. This award shall be called the Robert E. Simon award and shall be awarded for outstanding service to Wisconsin DeMolay. The award recipient shall be selected by a vote of the members of each chapter recorded on a ballot form set to each Chapter by the State President and due 30 days before Convention. A Chapter Advisor shall validate the ballot and submit the results to the State President. The advisor with the most votes shall be given the award at Convention.”

Call Item #3

Amendment 2 – Lincoln/Ozaukee

Proposal: Updating Article VII, Amendments to state:

Section 1: The rules and structure of Wisconsin DeMolay may be modified via amendment or resolution proposed by a chapter. Any and all legislation must be submitted to the Executive Officer and the State Officers at least 30 days prior to the Congress.

Section 2: Amendments modify, add, or delete, the general rules and structure of Wisconsin DeMolay. Resolutions describe the application of bylaws on a year-to-year basis.

Section 3: Amendments will require a two-thirds (⅔) majority for ratification. Resolutions will require a simple majority (50% plus one), for authorization.


Bylaw: Article VII, Amendments, currently states:

Section 1: These by-laws may be amended by changes proposed by any member of Wisconsin DeMolay who presents such proposed amendments, in writing, to the State President and Executive Officer at the Congress.

Section 2: If supported by two thirds (⅔) of the voting delegates, and with approval of the Executive Officer, such amendments will become effective following the installation of State Officers for the immediate term.

Section 3: Any and all legislation must be submitted to the Executive Officer and the State Officers at least 30 days prior to the Congress.

Call Item #4

Amendment 3 – Lincoln/Ozaukee

Proposal: Amend Article V, Section 2 with updated State Events:

The required state level events for each year are as follows: Convention, Sweetheart Weekend, Honors Day, Ritual Tournament, State Officer elections, and an end of year social activity. Convention will be held in either July or August and the Sweetheart Weekend will be held in February or March.


Bylaw: Article V, Section 2, states:

The required state level events for each year are as follows: Convention, a winter activity, Honors Day, DeMolay Prom, Ritual Tournament, and State Officer elections. Convention will be held in either July or August and the winter activity will be held in February or March.

Call Item #5

Amendment 4 – Lincoln/Ozaukee

Proposal: Amend Article IV, Section 8 to grant the SMC/SP appointment powers of elected officers:

The term of office for all elected and appointed State Officers is one (1) year or until their successors are duly installed. The State President may appoint DeMolay to elected positions in case of vacancy.


Bylaw: Article IV, Section 8 states:

The term of office for all elected and appointed State Officers is one (1) year or until their successors are duly installed.

Call Item #6

Amendment 5 – Doric

Proposal: Amend Article IV, Officers & Elections, Section 1, to restore old officer titles:

Elected officers shall be the State Master Councilor, State Senior Councilor, State Junior Councilor, State Chaplain, and State Marshal, as elected at the Special Communication. Appointed officers shall be the District Master Councilor(s) and any other individual DeMolay(s) the State Master Councilor assigns a duty to, with permission from the State Officer Advisor and Executive Officer.


Bylaw: Article IV, Section 1 states:

Elected officers shall be the State President, State Vice President, State Activities Director, State Ceremonies Director, and State Membership Director, as elected at the Special Communication. Appointed officers shall be the District Master Councilor(s) and any other individual DeMolay(s) the State President assigns a duty to, with permission from the State Officer Advisor and Executive Officer.

Call Item #7

Resolution 2 – Godfrey de Boullion

Proposal: When talking to those of whom are not a member of the Order Of DeMolay, State President and State Vice President may be used at the discretion of whomever is using it to allow a simple understanding of the title’s rank through comparison. But let it be known that this does not change the terms for their office..


Bylaw: N/A