The Road Begins Here!


DeMolay International held its annual Session from June 22 -25, 2022 in Orlando, Florida. The State Officers and several active and deputy members of the International Supreme Council from Wisconsin were in attendance. Here are some of the highlights from Session!

The Path Forward


At Session the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Scottish Rite alongside members of DeMolay International’s Staff revealed their newest marketing campaign titled “The Path Forward.”


The program includes a whole host of new marketing materials and branding trademarks for DeMolay International to help give us a more profession and unified branding. These include new videos, social media graphic templates, logos, business cards, and much more to come down the line. You may have seen a lot of new graphics and changes come to Wisconsin DeMolay’s social media pages in the last week and we are excited to share even more.


With this new campaign is also updated to have a new modern and fresh look for potential members and parents. On that site you can also find everything you need from DeMolay International such as the New Membership Application, new brand resources, the DeMolay Handbook order form, and more.


The best part is that all of this new marketing material can be created by you advisors and members through Canva. More on that to come soon.


We are excited to see where the Path Forward Takes Wisconsin DeMolay into our next 100 years!


Our New International Leaders


During Session each year DeMolay International elects a new line of leaders for not only the Supreme Council but also the youth leaders in the International Congress. Wisconsin DeMolay congratulates the following individuals for being elected for the following year and we look forward to your work to bring DeMolay International even higher!


Cooper Crabtree – 56th International Master Councilor

State Master Councilor – Oklahoma DeMolay

Sebastian Pesquera – 56th International Congress Secretary

State Master Councilor – Connecticut DeMolay

Jonathan Sellars – Grand Master, DeMolay International

Past Executive Officer – Colorado DeMolay



Wisconsin’s Epic Accomplishments


And finally, the best part for last. If you have seen on Facebook and Instagram, you will know that Wisconsin DeMolay was honored with some amazing accomplishments by the Supreme Council this year.



Wisconsin DeMolay was honored with being awarded the Gorman A. McBride Membership Award for our efforts to grow membership in our Jurisdiction. All members and Advisors of Wisconsin DeMolay should be proud of the hard work and dedication you have put forth!


Our State Officer Team was recognized for their hard work on our Centennial Lottery event and were recognized by 55th International Congress with the Best Membership Engagement for the year!


And finally, our own State Master Councilor, Bro. Sam Thiele, was named the International Representative DeMolay for the Representative DeMolay Competition for grades 11 and above!


Wisconsin DeMolay represented well over this last year and at International Session. Congratulations to everyone!