GDB Chapter Lock-In
odfrey de Boullion Chapter would like to invite you to its first Lock-in at it’s new location of Laflin / St. James Lodge. It will be held on November 20th starting at 8:00 pm ending between 9:00 and 10:00 on November 21st. The cost is a mere $10 to help offset costs of food and snacks which will be included (Pizza, snacks and breakfast). Those attending should bring a sleeping bag and pillow, games and/or movies are optional as well. GDB will have some to share but variety is always welcome.
- Who: Godfrey de Boullion Chapter
- What: Lock-in
- When: Start November 20th @ 8:00pm
- END November 21st between 9:00 and 10:00am
- Where: Laflin / St. James Lodge 206 S. Main Street Mukwonago, WI 53149
- Why: Fun and general shenanigans
- Cost: $10
RSVP Dad Zvara by November 12th please to help us plan food needs accordingly.